JaTaiRee Hudson Jr: Why Worry?

S H O W S 

A new show by JaTaiRee Hudson Jr.

January 22 / 6pm to 9pm
Opening Reception with Artist in Attendance

January 22 to February 12, 2022
Exhibition and Show

Download the Show Catalog (.pdf)

Why Worry?

It’s hard to focus on the beauty in things when you’re faced with the reality of the world. Hard times come, but knowing they will pass helps you push through.

Make sure you’re good, the world will keep spinning with or without you. Why worry?

- JaTaiRee Hudson Jr. 2022

There’s Hope, 48'“ x 48”



JaTaiRee Hudson Jr. is a self taught artist out of Slidell, Louisiana.

His work is based on current or past moments in his life. He builds his work on feelings, allowing each piece to tell a story of how he views certain situations.

JaTaiRee makes the faces obscure in his pieces, allowing you to focus on what else is going on in the painting. The color scheme and style used in JaTaiRee’s work displays the soul and background of where he grew up.



My daughter told me this, and it stuck with me. She had such a free spirit at her age, and she made it seem like the doll was so important to her, lol. She has no real worries.
— JaTaiRee Hudson Jr.

As Long As I Can Bring My Doll

Letting go is sometimes what’s needed to get that relief you’re looking for.
— JaTaiRee Hudson Jr.

Let Go
48” x 36”

Sometimes the things that we have been through can affect our mindset and cause us to lose ourselves and our hope for the future.
— JaTaiRee Hudson Jr.

Dwell On
48” x 48”

Mind Full
36” x 36”

Give ‘Em Flowers
36” x 36”

Never lose hope, knowing that this too shall pass.
— JaTaiRee Hudson Jr.

There’s Hope
48” x 36”